Why Do You Want to Lose Weight?: How to Find Motivation that Lasts (Guest...
Please take a look at my guest post at healthdemystified[dot]com: Why Do You Want to Lose Weight?: How to Find Motivation that Lasts (Guest Post by Bobby Fernandez of Moving For Wellness).
View ArticleA health blogger’s open letter to Mayor Bloomberg on his “soda ban”
Mayor Bloomberg, I’m torn. Much of my writing is centered around the promotion of real food in place of the commercially raised, chemically engineered pseudofood with which we are so willing to poison...
View ArticleEverything in moderation…including moderation
Plutarch explains that “right action consists of moderation.” He defines moderation as a “mean between excess and defect.” I love this portrayal of the word because it seems our modern...
View ArticlePlay for Wellness
So much of my work experience and study of true wellness has led me to the ultimate conclusion that the single source of all sickness is a deviation from our true nature. The search to define our true...
View ArticleWinning: It isn’t just about the scoreboard, baby
We’re approaching the mid-point of my stepson’s AYSO soccer season. I can happily say that he is one of the stand-out players on the team. The only problem is that he doesn’t have much competition...
View ArticleDoping: Beyond reaction and well-intended half-truths
Sport is truly a manifestation of human movement that blends elements of our true selves (as human beings as well as individuals) with our working society at large. There is great utility in the way...
View ArticleThe mother of our mental health problems
There is no shortage of questions in the wake of any tragedy. The terror at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut weighs heavy on our hearts as we all scramble for answers so that we may...
View ArticleOur acceptance of chronic disease –“Is our healthcare broken or is it just me?”
My motivation for seeking proficiency in the healing arts has always been the amount of gratuitous suffering in the world. I don’t know if it was my Catholic upbringing or the ubiquity of that great...
View ArticleWho is your Shabbos Goy?
As a tenet of the Jewish faith, all Jews are restricted from doing work during the Sabbath. They are called by their faith to keep holy the Sabbath by abstaining from performing unnecessary tasks and...
View ArticleMoving for Wellness of Others
There comes a time when you are reminded of the true value of health. Sometimes we can forget that true wellness can be more than just a superficial pursuit for a perfect set of washboard abs. I’ve...
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